Nuclear industry
Skip navigationThe manipulator vehicle V1000:
Makes manipulator arms mobile via chain drive.
Strong, mobile, autonomous and really easy to control, the well thought out safety concept of the V1000 is on the rise. The V1000 chain-driven manipulator vehicle from Wälischmiller Engineering brings mobility to the A1000 manipulator arm! The previously fixed function now gives way to complete mobility. The V1000 is the device for you in all fields of application which cannot be accessed by human operators.
When nothing else will do the job: the V1000 manipulator vehicle
The robotic vehicle is especially popular as an extension of the safety and emergency concept of nuclear power stations. As soon as no other machines can be deployed, the reliability of the chain-driven V1000 comes into its own. The manipulator vehicle is also becoming increasingly popular in the oil and gas industry. You can rely on the indisputable quality and reliability of the V1000 for emergencies, salvaging, repairs and exceptional circumstances.
The V1000 is noted for its performance and versatility
Stable, flexible and modular – multiple applications for cost efficiency
Put your manipulator vehicle together just as you need it to be: Order a tailored module and tools or use the existing accessories of the A1000, father of the V1000. Grippers, shovels and tools, for example, as well as arm spare parts can be also used for the V1000. You save on both purchase costs and storage.
More flexibility and lower costs thanks to modularity
The well thought-out modularity of the arm allows the individual arm elements and electronic module to be easily and speedily changed. As no special tools are required for this, changing tools saves you time and money.
The V1000 is our mobile robotic arm in the form of a track vehicle and is feasible in many applications. Ask our contact person for further information >